Well, the pups all checked out on Wednesday and everything is well. The vet said they look great and they varied in weight from 4.5 to 7.1 pounds. We gave them their shots and kennel cough and they will get another round before they go home. I'll try get a vaccination schedule posted on one of my pages to make it an easy reference for you when the pups go home. Wednesday evening I took Belle and Remi swimming so I took a couple of the pups with me. They enjoyed the new scenery and one of them even ended up in the water (but only because he rolled down the bank after Remi knocked him over) It really didn't bother him much though. The pups had their first new owner visit yesterday afternoon as well. Jack Christiansen came down to take a look at the pups and get an idea of which one to choose next week when he takes the first little girl home. It was a pretty tough day, the warm weather made them lazy so they weren't real active, but another week of developing and a trip down in the morning will cure the laziness. This morning I cleaned and let them run for about an hour and a half. They are getting to be more and more work, but I do enjoy it. If I didn't I wouldn't keep doing it every year. Every time you walk out side they attack your shoes strings and you have to be careful not to step on any of them.