Sunday, April 29, 2018

After a lot of deliberation we have finally named all the puppies it gets harder and harder to pick names every year and not have any repeats, but we managed once again!   It always amazes me how quickly the kids can tell the subtle differences between the pups and with nearly 100% accuracy.  I need a list of the names along with the nail colors to tell them apart at this stage in the game.  This past week the weather has been beautiful! In a little over a week, the pups have gone from sitting on the cement and whining, to running all over the yard, chasing the kids around, and following the big dogs. They are at the perfect stage of not too feisty, but starting to show some personality.  They are definitely enjoying their time outside, which couldn't be said a week ago@










Left to Right (Laroy and Rascal)

Left to Right (Bolt and Nash)

Left to Right (Hunter and Knox)

Left to Right (Josie and Dakota)

Left to Right (Morgan and Mavis)

Saturday, April 14, 2018

2 1/2 Weeks Old

The pups are 2.5 weeks old and all their eyes are open.  They are starting to wobble around, and are definitely alert when people are in the shed.  They poke their little heads up and try to figure out whose in visiting them.  It's a constant flow of traffic in and out of the shed, and more recently the kids have been taking them in the house.  Unfortunately the weather in Iowa doesn't want to cooperate very much.  Snow, snow, snow, wind, wind wind!   We've had a few decent days over the past two weeks, but winter just doesn't want to go away.  Today the kids took full advantage of the blizzard conditions and bore the elements just long enough to bring some pups in the house to snuggle for most of the afternoon!