Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Litter Announcement!

 In the wee hours of the night on Thursday the 8th and into Friday morning, Briar decided it was time to have puppies. She caught us a little off guard and by the time we realized 7 healthy puppies were already on the ground.  She really didn't show much for signs on Thursday, and her due date not being until the 12th we didn't expect much action. For a first time mother she did great!  Sometimes they just know better than we do, and it always amazes me how that natural mothering instinct just kicked in.  When we walked in she was laying their nursing, and gave us a look like, "don't worry, I've got this under control!"   When all was said and done, she had 9 healthy pups.  2 yellow females, 1 yellow males, and 6 black males!   As you can see, she's a pretty proud momma!  She reminds me so much of Belle when I see how she mothers her little ones, but also how she still loves a quick break from the action to see what's going on outside, or run and play.  However, she never leaves their sight for too long, and is always quick to see who is checking in on her little ones.  One things for certain, this puppy thing never gets old!