Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 3 is here and the pups are doing well and growing like weeds. It's pretty amazing to watch and see how they have grown in only 3 days, and how much quicker they scoot around! It's so fun for me to watch how each day the pups change and how they grow! My son and I clipped their dew claws this afternoon, so for a little while they weren't very happy with me, but sometime down the rode I know they'll thank me! Belle is also doing as well as I think she has ever done after having 10 pups. Her weight is back to normal and she looks really good! In the past I have had a tough time keeping the weight on her because the pups have sucked her dry. They are eating well, and still sleeping most of their days away, but I can definately tell they are moving around more and progressing very well. We still can't wait until their eyes open up and they are big enough to take outside to explore their new environment. Belle is such a trusting and loving mother, she watched the whole process of the dew claws and even though her little pups were squeeling she knew that she could trust them with us. Once they were back in the whelping box she gave them a quick inspection and they were back to feeding and just as content as they were before we poked and prodded them. My daughter keeps wondering when she can hold them, and I keep reminding her in about a week when their eyes open up. The pups are a pretty big hit in the neighborhood with all of Maddy's friends. They stop by quite frequently and ask if they can see the pups. So it's safe to say they are already getting used to being in the limelight and getting attention. Belle just sits there with a proud look on her face at her wonderful creation. That's one thing that has always amazed me about Belle and how it doesn't matter who is in looking at the pups she is just as calm and loving to new people as she is to our family.
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