Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 7- 1 Week Old today

The pups are growing like weeds as you can tell from the pictures. I am thinking their eyes will be opening any day now, and they are really starting to get around. I can tell because Belle spends less and less time in the whelping box, and more time laying out on the step to the patio. Now she pretty much goes in to feed and clean up, and leaves again or the little ones pretty much will attack her non-stop. Its hard to imagine that a week has gone by already, and I guess that means all of you are now one week closer to taking the newest member of your family home. The time just seems to pass by so quickly for me (probably seems like its standing still for you that are waiting for a pup) Before long we'll be taking them outside and playing with them and then I'll be responsible for cleaning up after them too. Its a pretty big job when there's 10 running around, but its a good thing I love doing it. Anyway just wanted to let you know the pups are still doing great, and I'll continue to keep you updated.