Tuesday, April 16, 2013

 The puppies are getting more rambunctious by the day. As you can see from the pictures my little guy Bo enjoys them, but he does like to torment them a little. I have a feeling in a week or so the tides will turn, and he will be the tormented. They are already starting to grab at his pants!  They sure do enjoy going out and playing with them. I just wish the weather would warm up so that we could play with them out in the yard. Last week, we had a major ice/snow storm so it hasn't been the typical April weather that's for sure. A lot of trees went down, and a lot of people were without power. Fortunately we only went without for about a half hour!   They are enjoying their wet food, and everytime I go in there they perk up, and start whining because they think they are getting the good stuff.  The fat little guy three pics below even found out a way to keep his siblings away from his food stash!  Lay down in the bowl so that no one else can eat.  Right now it works well to use old frisbees because they aren't so deep and they can get to the food easier!  Other than that all is well.  I'll be giving them their first round of shots by the end of the week.