Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The puppies got their first taste of life in the great outdoors today. It was absolutely gorgeous out (for once) Sunny and no wind which we haven't had much of this spring in Iowa. They enjoyed it pretty well, and my daughters enjoyed it even more. They didn't venture out too far, but they didn't whine too much either. I think I got one shot of one of the pups howling a little bit, but they did pretty well. The first picture the pup even put its nose to the ground and started sniffing. Unfortunately I don't think it was b/c she was birdy, she just smelled home (aka the whelping box) ahead of her. My youngest daughter kept lifting her shirt and she was saying something we couldn't make out for a little bit. We finally realized that she was saying "puppy eat" she was lifting her shirt so they could eat off her tummy like they do Belle (pictures 2 and 3). It was pretty cute, and she's way too smart for her own good. She kept trying to put the puppies by her tummy and I guess in her little mind she was mothering them. Like I said it was pretty cute, and we laughed pretty good once we figured out what she was doing. Hopefully we get some more nice days so we and the pups can enjoy more time out in the yard.