Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wow!! The pups changed alot in the two days I was gone! My wife and I were up in Sioux Falls for a couple days having a baby so I had to step away from the pups! I think that's a decent enough excuse??? When we got home today they seemed as though they were twice as big, twice as fast, and twice the mess. I was hoping to get through the weekend without any jumping out, but my oldest son Austin told me that by thursday (which was the day we left for Sioux Falls) a couple were already climbing out. They were in good hands though. Austin had everything under control while we were gone. He changed from carpet to wood chips (easier to clean) since Belle isn't any more. I assume when the two got out they got into Mom and Remi's food and after that happens no more cleaning up messes for Belle. He started them on soft food, as you can see from the last picture they enjoy it too!! I couldn't believe how fast they were Gracyn could out run them last week wednesday when we left, but not any more. They are right on her heals now. They really venture out now as well. No more sitting by the shed and whining, they are having too much fun checking everything out. The third picture even shows one of them showing their first signs of pointing. I counted and it was a good 45 seconds (ok maybe I'm exagerating a little bit) but she was definately "flash pointing" which is one of the first tell tale signs that once again these pups have what their mother and father have. They'll go in on Monday for puppy checks and the first round of shots and I'll probably start marking them this week with nail polish so I can tell which one does what and try match them up to what you're looking for in a couple of weeks!! Its hard to believe that time is almost here!