Monday, January 25, 2016

More puppy time in the house tonight.  They are almost getting too big for the little box anymore, I'll either have to invest in a bigger box soon, or we'll have to figure out something else to do with pictures!  The are really starting to get vocal the last couple of days.  They definitely whine, cry, and whimper a lot more today when they don't get exactly what they want. I went in tonight and Remi was laying on her blanket outside the whelping box and they were letting her know they were hungry and they wanted her in there.   When she does lay in there and doesn't feel like feeding them she'll lay on her back. It's quite comical to see.  Their eyes are all open now and although they are a little hazy you can tell they are more and more alert.  They are wobbly walking around on all fours instead of scooting on their tummies, and can get around the whelping box pretty well. It's hard to imagine that in a couple of weeks they will be hard to keep up with and eating solid food.  That's when the work begins!  But....for right now we'll just enjoy this stage where they are pretty content laying around and being held. 

The Gentlemen!
The Ladies!