Friday, May 22, 2009

Feeding Frenzy

As you can tell from this group of pictures the pups are getting no lack of nourishment. I introduced them to some wet food yesterday and they absolutely loved it!!! I was feeding them again this afternoon, and left the can lay. Once they had their plates cleaned they all decided to attack the can. It was pretty cute to watch! One even went as far as to get her head stuck in the can! They are really getting tall the last few days! They can reach the top of their whelping box now if they stand up and it wont be long before I will be coming home to a couple escapies and probably a mess to go along with it. They all learned how to climb steps and yesterday two days ago I let them run free for a while in the patio. It was pretty warm here and eventually they tuckered themselves out and found a nice cool spot between the wall and the steps on the cold cement. They are getting to be so much fun! I have a video, but I probably won't get around to uploading this weekend and by that time I'll probably have a new one to put on!