Sunday, May 31, 2009

Swimming Lessons

The puppies got their first taste of the water this afternoon and they seemed to enjoy it. It was hot and windy today so we took them all out to a pond near our house to see how they enjoyed the water. They watched from the ledge as Belle chased her dummy in and out of the water and eventually a couple took the leap and landed in the water. It didn't take them long to figure out they could stand. Eventually the girls took some of them out away from shore and let them go so they could swim a little ways. It was pretty fun to watch and something I really enjoy doing and exposing them to at a young age. It seems like they aren't afraid of anything whether its climbing up and down steps, or playing in the water. It does take some longer to make that leap of faith, but eventually they think through the best strategies to attempt a ledge or set of stairs and end up getting where they want to. Its fun to watch them run around the yard and see how they have stretched their boundaries from a week ago. They used to stick pretty close to the house and if Belle ventured out more than 15-20 yards they would sit down and just watch. Now they are pretty much following her wherever she goes and it takes a more watchful eye because they get out pretty far and move pretty quickly now. They were supposed to have the puppy checks on friday but the vet called me and went home sick, so they will go in tomorrow afternoon instead. More and more are starting to "flash point" and show those tendencies as well and it is really fun to see them growing in all aspects and into great dogs.